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H2Odnota je voda Akčný plán na riešenie dôsledkov sucha a nedostatku vody RNDr. Richard Müller, PhD. Životní prostředí – prostředí pro život 12. júna 2019, Pruhonice Dear ladies and gentleman, it a great pleasure to present the National Drought Action Plan at the final conference of the DriDanube project www.sazp.sk

Scenáre klimatickej zmeny 2-4 C priemerný nárast teploty do 2075-2100 Pokles zrážok o 10%, nerovnomerné rozloženie v čase a priestore Prívalové povodne, o 50% vyšší nárast silných búrok, tornáda Dlhodobé suchá v lete a na jeseň Pokles dostupných vodných zdrojov o 30-50%, zmeny v dlhodobom mesačnom prietoku According to national climate change reports, until 2075-2100, an average temperature in Slovakia will be increased by 2-4 degrees. The picture is not very optimistic, as it is in other parts of the world. Rainfall will decrease by 10% and will be unevenly distributed in time and space. This will result in flash floods, 50% more very strong storms and tornadoes that happened in summer in Eastern parts of the country. Lond term droughts will be common in summer and autumn. Last but not least, available water resources will be decreased by 30-50%, bringing changes in long-term monthly flow with all the negative consequences. www.sazp.sk

This picture is becoming quite common in the Danube region This picture is becoming quite common in the Danube region. In Western and Eastern Slovakia, we are currently experiencing extraordinary and extreme drought, which is the case in other countries, e.g. in the Czech Republic. www.sazp.sk

Strategické dokumenty Vodný plán 2015- 2021 (2016) Stratégia adaptácie na zmenu klímy (aktualizácia 2017) Envirostratégia 2030 There are several main policies related to water scarcity and drought. One of the most important is Water Plan for 6 year period of 2015-2021 for 2 main river basins – the Danube 97% of the territory and the Vistula that covers the rest. This year, several policies were developed and adopted, e.g. the Drought Action Plan, Environmental Strategy 2030 and update of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. In my presentation, I will focus on the Water Plan and the Drought Action Plan. www.sazp.sk

H2Odnota je voda Koordinácia - Ministerstvo životného prostredia, štátny tajomník I. Medzirezortná pracovná skupina - Úrad vlády, Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a regionálneho rozvoja, NPPC/VÚPOP, Hydromeliorácie š.p., SHMÚ, VÚVH, SVP š.p., VV š.p., STU Bratislava, UK Bratislava, SAV a GWP Central and Eastern Europe Máj 2017 - marec 2018 The Drought Action Plan was developed in cooperation with GWP Central and Eastern Europe in the period of May 2017-March 2018. GWP was a part of the core drafting group. The Plan was inspired by the GWP/WMO Integrated Drought Management Programme and its methodology to develop a national drought management plan. An inter-ministerial working group was established by Ministry of the Environment comprising Office of the Government, Ministry of Agriculture, universities, Academy of Sciences and the GWP. www.sazp.sk

H2Odnota je voda GWP / WMO Integrovaný program manažmentu sucha - príručka 25 strán s prílohou Časový rámec 2018-2025 Ročný odpočet - Sekcia vôd MŽP SR Opatrenia 140 MEUR do roku 2020 zo štátneho rozpočtu, EFRR a Kohézneho fondu The plan has 25 pages, it's easy to read. Its time horizon is 8 years until 2025. Progress of its implementation is evaluated annually by the Water Section, Ministry of the Environment. Minimum budget to implement measures until 2020 was estimated at 140 million EUR, mainly from EU funds. It's been consulted with stakeholders during various events and presented by the State Secretary at the DriDanube national seminars. www.sazp.sk

Obsah Cieľ, všeobecné informácie a definície Historické sucho Opatrenia - preventívne (poľnohospodárstvo, lesníctvo, mestská krajina, vodné hospodárstvo, výskum, environmentálna výchova), operatívne a krízové Organizačné usporiadanie a rozpočet The plan starts with its goal and general information about the process. Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute contributed with a chapter on historical drought. Main part of the document is focused on measures – preventive, operational and crisis. Catalogue of natural water retention was used to prepare a set of water retention measures. The last part includes budget and and institutional setting. www.sazp.sk

Opatrenia Preventívne - poľnohospodárstvo a lesníctvo, mestské a vidiecke oblasti, vodné hospodárstvo, výskum a environmentálne vzdelávanie Operatívne - rozšírenie monitorovacej siete Krízové - krízový plán na dodávku vody do rôznych sektorov hospodárstva počas dlhodobého sucha Measures are the main part of the Plan. Preventive include agriculture and forestry, settlements, water management, research and education (adaptation pillar). The operational are mainly focused on the monitoring (monitoring pillar) and the crisis on water supply in the period of prolonged drought (risk and vulnerability pillar) www.sazp.sk

Preventívne opatrenia Poľnohospodárstvo - obnoviť 510 km zavlažovacích kanálov (viacúčelová funkcia) Lesné hospodárstvo - údržba lesných ciest, lesy odolné voči zmene klímy Vodohospodárstvo - zelená infraštruktúra, inteligentné riešenia, monitoring, znižovanie nedostatku vody, integrované riadenie povodí Veda a vzdelávanie - modelovanie zraniteľnosti, informačné kampane The Drought Action Plan is focused on preventive measures. It plans a renewal of 510 km multipurpose irrigation canals that will store water during floods and use it in dry periods. It promotes also no-till farming in agriculture. In forestry, it is focused on forest roads maintenance and planting climate-proof forests. The largest part is devoted to water management – green infrastructure (tree planting in river basins, bio corridors, wetlands restoration), smart solutions, monitoring, non-revenue water decrease, integrated river basin management. It deals also with science and education – modeling of vulnerability and information campaigns. As a follow-up, the first information campaign on drought is run by the Slovak Environmental Agency. www.sazp.sk

Odpočet 2019 Výhľadová VHB množstva povrchovej vody k dlhodobému časovému horizontu – VÚVH Vytvoriť národnú reportovaciu sieť dopadov sucha na poľnohospodárstvo a lesníctvo - SHMÚ Doplniť Program monitorovania prvkov klimatického systému o výstupy z Drought User Service - SHMÚ Vypracovať Národný akčný plán SR na základe UNCCD a LDN – MŽP SR a VÚPOP Its of course important to have policies and strategies in place but the most important is implementation. Annual evaluation is carried out by Ministry of the Environment Water Section. Here are some tasks that are currently ongoing, e.g. long term water balance has been developed by the Water Research Institute. Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute is developing a network of field monitoring, educates landowners and includes Drought User Service into existing monitoring in frame of DriDanube project. National Agriculture and Food Center develops UNCCD action plan, based on SDGs and land degradation neutrality. State Geological Survey carries out survy of groundwater deficit areas. www.sazp.sk

Odpočet 2019 Prehodnotiť drevinové zloženie a vo vzťahu  k adaptačným opatreniam na zmenu klímy Podporovať výskum v oblasti možného zavádzania agrolesníckych opatrení - MPaRV SR, Lesy SR, NLC, Únia neštátnych vlastníkov lesov Hydrogeologický prieskum deficitných oblastí SR - ŠGÚDŠ Národný projekt Informačná kampaň H2ODNOTA JE VODA - SAŽP Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Forests State Enterprise and the National Forest Center evaluate and use more drought resilient tree species. In addition, trees are planted in areas endangered by water and soil erosion, and on unused agricultural land. Through Operational Programme Quality of the Environment, Ministry of Environment supports green infrastructure and rainwater harvesting in cooperation with project beneficiaries NGOs and municipalities. An information campaign to inform, educate and mobilize public about drought issues is currently implemented by the Slovak Environment Agency. Evaluate and use more drought resilient tree species – Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, National Forest Center Tree planting in areas endangered by water and soil erosion, and unused agricultural land – Ministry of Agriculture t green infrastructure and rainwater harvesting – MoE, NGOs, municipalities Information campaign (inform, educate and mobilize) – EPA Support green infrastructure and rainwater harvesting – MoE, NGOs, municipalities www.sazp.sk

As mentioned already, one of the measures in the Drought Action Plan is an information campaign. The campaign is now run in the frame of a national project, supported by Operational Programme Quality of the Environment. Its well received by the European Commission DG Regio for quick start and implementation. www.sazp.sk

Here you can see examples of water harvesting and water holding measures for municipalities. www.sazp.sk

The campaign has an active presence on Facebook to communicate messages with younger generation. www.sazp.sk

Prieskum o suchu 2018 Vzorka prieskumu 1030 respondentov Sucho vníma ako problém 75,7% obyvateľov Vidiecke oblasti SR In frame of the campaign, a survey was done last year. It was not presented on an international level. Results are very interesting, so I will show you 4 slides with key results. It was carried out on a sample of 1030 respondents by phone survey. According to the public survey, three-quarters of the inhabitants in Slovakia consider drought a problem. They are mainly in rural areas. www.sazp.sk

Zachytávanie dažďovej vody 27,8% Neviem 22,4% Šetrenie vodou 22,0% Prieskum o suchu Zachytávanie dažďovej vody 27,8% Neviem 22,4% Šetrenie vodou 22,0% Here you can see what people prefer to do against drought by themselves. Majority, around 27% prefers rainwater harvesting and 22% water saving. Whats interesting is that around 22% people do not know what to do. www.sazp.sk

Prieskum o suchu 79,4% obyvateľov má záujem zapojiť sa do aktivít zameraných na prevenciu sucha A positive message is that around 79% of the population is interested to do something. It’s the critical mass that we can work with in the future, while still persuading more than 15% that are reluctant. www.sazp.sk

Je to veľmi potrebné pre 47,0% obyvateľov Je to celkom potrebné 36,7% Prieskum o suchu Je to veľmi potrebné pre 47,0% obyvateľov Je to celkom potrebné 36,7% Final slide from the survey shows need to include drought in primary and secondary school curricula. Around half of the population 47% considers this very needed, followed by 36% for which its quite needed. www.sazp.sk

Ďakujem za pozornosť richard.muller@sazp.sk www.facebook.com/SAZPBB www.twitter.com/SvkEnviroAgency www.instagram.com/slovakenvironmentagency Thank you for your attention, I wish you a fruitful discussion. Do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions, you can follow us on our social media. www.sazp.sk