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v celoživotnom vzdelávaní so zameraním na OVP a vzdelávanie dospelých

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1 v celoživotnom vzdelávaní so zameraním na OVP a vzdelávanie dospelých
Tematická sieť QALLL Zabezpečenie kvality v celoživotnom vzdelávaní so zameraním na OVP a vzdelávanie dospelých Dagmar Augustinská 1. december 2011 Dagmar Augustinska

2 Tematická sieť QALLL Politický rámec:
Tematická sieť QALLL Politický rámec: Využitie potenciálu NA, aby hrali aktívnu úlohu vo využívaní projektov realizovaných v rámci PCV, podpore začleňovania ich výsledkov do bežnej praxe a udržateľnosti projektov PCV 4 tematické siete: Nové zručnosti Začlenenie znevýhodnených skupín Ďalšie vzdelávanie učiteľov a trénerov Zabezpečenie kvality v OVP a vzdelávaní dospelých In May 2009 the European Council adopted a new strategic framework for the cooperation of the European member states with a view to reform the education and training system on a European level. In this context there was a restricted call for proposals in summer 2009 addressing National Agencies to implement multiannual thematic networking projects. This call exclusively addressed NAs designated to implement the LLP Programme taking into account the fact that the LLP National Agencies are directly involved in the management and monitoring of decentralised projects. They benefit from a position of proximity to co-ordinators, participants in those actions and to local and national realities. That means that they are well acquainted with the needs of a sector, new users, intermediaries and the public and have a unique expertise in this area. LLP National Agencies are encouraged to play an active role in the capitalisation on LLP projects with a view to exchanging and disseminating best practices and experience throughout Europe, to promote the mainstreaming of results and findings into national and European education and training structures and to inspire further policy developments and actions. In line with current policy priorities at EU level, the EC approved the proposals for 4 thematic networking projects focusing on the following topics: The new Skills-Network, focusing on upgrading and matching skills to labour market needs, The Inclusion-Network, focusing on working with disadvantaged groups, The City-M-Network, focusing on further training of teachers and training staff, The QALLL-Network, focusing on quality assurance in VET and Adult Education. Dagmar Augustinska

3 Tematická sieť QALLL Politický rámec:
Tematická sieť QALLL Politický rámec: Zabezpečenie kvality je úzko prepojené s európskymi iniciatívami ako EQF, ECVET Podpora a využitie EQARF: vytvorenie siete využívanie výsledkov projektov zameraných na zabezpečenie kvality vo vzdelávaní má mimoriadny význam NA hrajú rozhodujúcu úlohu ako styčná plocha medzi politickou a úrovňou implementácie do praxe Výsledky tematických sietí majú inšpirovať ďalší rozvoj politík na národnej a európskej úrovni Between 2001 and 2006, in LdV alone, some 60 projects dealt with quality assurance (QA) issues. A number of projects have also been supported under Grundtvig in this area. This theme of QA is thus important, as the principles of QA underpin all other European initiatives in the field of Vocational Education and Training (e.g. EQF, ECVET). The next challenge will be the implementation of the Recommendation on the establishment of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework which is built on the previous Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF). This is why the networking and the exploitation of results of the QALLL projects will be very useful for the promotion and use of EQARF. Dagmar Augustinska

4 Tematická sieť QALLL Informácie o projekte: 17 krajín
Tematická sieť QALLL Informácie o projekte: 17 krajín Trvanie: december 2009 – december 2012 Koordinátor – NA v Rakúsku Zamerané na projekty LdV a Grundtvig The project is co-ordinated by the Austrian National Agency for Lifelong Learning – in close co-operation with the Austrian Reference Point for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training. Partners are National Agencies from DE, FI, IT, SK, SI, IS, CZ, IE, TR, NO, SE, BE-DE, LU, NL as well supporting Partners ENQA-VET, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, EACEA as well as National Agencies from PL and HU. Duration 36 months, total budget Euro ,--, European funding Euro ,--. Dagmar Augustinska

5 Ciele projektu QALLL Uľahčiť vytváranie sietí a začleňovanie výsledkov a výstupov projektov do vzdelávania a prípravy Rozvíjať diskusiu o témach spojených so zabezpečením kvality v oblasti odborného vzdelávania a prípravy a vzdelávania dospelých medzi expertmi a zainteresovanými osobami In the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme as well as in its predecessor programmes, a large number of results and outcomes dealing with quality assurance issues in VET and adult education have been and are being currently developed. These projects are working individually, but seeking solutions for common problems. As a result there is a big need to foster an exchange between these projects as well as to valorise their results and outcomes. The main aims and objectives of this proposal are therefore to: facilitate networking and mainstreaming of results and outcomes of projects in the education and training landscape foster discussion of quality assurance related topics in the field of VET and adult education amongst experts and stakeholders develop and give recommendations for the target group policy makers, social partners, stake holders and national authorities involved in VET and adult education develop and give recommendations for project promoters, their partners, National Agencies as well as the European Commission for increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of their work Dagmar Augustinska

6 Ciele projektu QALLL Vytvoriť odporúčania pre cieľovú skupinu: politikov, sociálnych partnerov, zainteresované osoby a národné autority zapojené do OVP a vzdelávania dospelých Vytvoriť odporúčania pre realizátorov projektov, ich partnerov, národné agentúry ako aj pre Európsku komisiu pre zvýšenie efektívnosti a udržateľnosti ich práce Dagmar Augustinska

7 Mapovanie a hodnotenie projektov - kritériá:
Mapovanie a hodnotenie projektov - kritériá: 1. Úroveň vzdelávacieho systému – - makro (systém) /inštitucionálna /micro (jednotlivé vzdelávacie aktivity) 2. Kritérium týkajúce sa obsahu produktu – - Modely a nástroje (systémy riadenia kvality, štandardy kvality, kritériá a indikátori kvality, nástroje kvality) - Metodológie (samohodnotenie, externé hodnotenie, akreditácia, certifikácia) - Podpora (dobrá prax, tréningy v riadení /hodnotení kvality) All participating National Agencies are collecting information on relevant projects and their results and outcomes. It is our aim to collect information on all European projects in the field of quality assurance in VET and adult education funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme and its predecessors. The focus lies on the results and outcomes of these projects. In a first step we will collect information of projects already developing results and outcomes and during the 36 months duration of this Thematic Networking proposal we will have the possibility to also collect information on projects of application years to come. The collected data will be analysed by external experts nominated by the participating National Agencies. The analysis will be based on criteria developed by the external experts in co-operation with the participating National Agencies. The experts will cluster and map these outcomes for easier valorisation. A smaller number of experts will develop the recommendations and conference reports. Dagmar Augustinska

8 Mapovanie a hodnotenie projektov - kritériá:
Mapovanie a hodnotenie projektov - kritériá: Kľúčové termíny pri hodnotení projektu / produktov - plánovanie - implementácia/realizácia - hodnotenie - preskúmanie - Rozpracované pre makro úroveň (systém) a pre inštitucionálnu úroveň (vzdelávacia inštitúcia, zriaďovateľ) All participating National Agencies are collecting information on relevant projects and their results and outcomes. It is our aim to collect information on all European projects in the field of quality assurance in VET and adult education funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme and its predecessors. The focus lies on the results and outcomes of these projects. In a first step we will collect information of projects already developing results and outcomes and during the 36 months duration of this Thematic Networking proposal we will have the possibility to also collect information on projects of application years to come. The collected data will be analysed by external experts nominated by the participating National Agencies. The analysis will be based on criteria developed by the external experts in co-operation with the participating National Agencies. The experts will cluster and map these outcomes for easier valorisation. A smaller number of experts will develop the recommendations and conference reports. Dagmar Augustinska

9 Mapovanie a hodnotenie projektov - kritériá:
Mapovanie a hodnotenie projektov - kritériá: Termín „zabezpečenie kvality“ – nepostačujúci pri určení relevantných projektov - „kvalita“ interpretovaná rôznymi spôsobmi - 80 predvybraných projektov vs. 42 projektov plne zameraných na „zabezpečenie kvality“ - 93% zameraných na inštitucionálnu úroveň - 72% zameraných na micro úroveň (učenie a vzdelávanie, t.j. hlavnú časť vzdelávacieho procesu) - viac ako ½ - samohodnotenie - 1/3 – externým hodnotením - 1/5 – výstupy na podporu akreditácie a certifikácie All participating National Agencies are collecting information on relevant projects and their results and outcomes. It is our aim to collect information on all European projects in the field of quality assurance in VET and adult education funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme and its predecessors. The focus lies on the results and outcomes of these projects. In a first step we will collect information of projects already developing results and outcomes and during the 36 months duration of this Thematic Networking proposal we will have the possibility to also collect information on projects of application years to come. The collected data will be analysed by external experts nominated by the participating National Agencies. The analysis will be based on criteria developed by the external experts in co-operation with the participating National Agencies. The experts will cluster and map these outcomes for easier valorisation. A smaller number of experts will develop the recommendations and conference reports. Dagmar Augustinska

10 Tematické akcie Kontaktný seminár (jún 2010)
Tematické akcie Kontaktný seminár (jún 2010) Tematická konferencia v Slovinsku (február 2011) Tematická konferencia v Nemecku (november 2011) Tematická konferencia v Rakúsku (jeseň 2012) Národné semináre a konferencie v každej zo zapojených krajín A number of thematic events and conferences will be organised to disseminate and valorise the results and outcomes. These events will bring together experts, project promoters working in the relevant fields, social partners, stakeholders and national authorities in the field of VET and adult education. During the 36 months of this project there will take place 2 medium sized and 1 large thematic event (in AT) as well as a series of national events in all the participating countries. Dagmar Augustinska

11 Diseminačné aktivity a výstupy
Diseminačné aktivity a výstupy Webová stránka: Leták o projekte Elektronický bulletin (2-krát ročne) Spolupráca s ďalšími tematickými sieťami a iniciatívami v oblasti zabezpečenia kvality Kompendium s QALLL projektmi označenými ako dobrú prax Správy z konferencií & hlavná publikácia s odporúčaniami The main dissemination tool will be the project website, containing all relevant documentation, results and publications. There will be project examples with links to ADAM and EST, country info and relevant links as well as a list of events in the field of quality assurance. The website also contains an internal communication platform , which wis used by all partners for efficient project management. The folder gives a short overview of the thematic networking activities and will contain a link of the website for further reading. The newsletter will be used to inform the interested public about the activities within the thematic networking project, as well as to invite these to the thematic events. Dagmar Augustinska

12 Prečo by mohol byť projekt QALLL pre Vás zaujímavý?
Prečo by mohol byť projekt QALLL pre Vás zaujímavý? Odporúčania pre cieľové skupiny a budúcich koordinátorov projektov v oblasti zabezpečenia kvality v odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave a vzdelávaní dospelých Webová stránka projektu: Kompendium s najlepšími projektmi QALLL, publikácie, bulletin, linky na webové stránky s príbuznou problematikou, ... Organizácia aktivít na sieťovanie tých, ktorý sa touto problematikou zaoberajú a zaujíma ich Connection of QALLL with Contact Seminar: One very important task of our project will be to work out recommendations for future project contractors providing very useful guidelines for the implementation of QA in the field of VET and AE. 2. It’s very important to refer to the QALLL project website, because in the future it will provide valuable information for those participants starting a project in the field of QA, like: a compendium with best practice projects in the area of QA information on thematic networking events publications of the outcomes of the thematic work newsletter informing about our activities useful links, etc. 3. We will organise networking events bringing together experts, project promoters working in the relevant fields, stakeholders etc. fostering the exchanges of practice and sharing the outcomes of the thematic network. Dagmar Augustinska

13 Ďakujem za pozornosť !!! Naše kontaktné údaje Koordinátor: Kontakt:
Naše kontaktné údaje Ďakujem za pozornosť !!! Koordinátor: Austrian National Agency for Lifelong Learning Schreyvogelgasse 2 1010 Vienna · Austria Kontakt: Dagmar Augustinská SAAIC-Národná agentúra Programu celoživotného vzdelávania Please mention that we are very interested in the projects they are going to start in the area of QA and that feedback is very welcome!! Dagmar Augustinska

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